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  • the exciting and heart-refreshing adventure of taking off your own mask and genuinely encountering yourself and others.

  • the reflection on a wide variety of life themes through exercises and exchange with others. This will help you realise unconscious blockages and release vitality.

  • getting to know new people in an open, profound and relaxed way, which also strengthens your trust in authentic encounters for your everyday life.

  • the invigorating effect of connectedness with yourself, other people and nature.

Walk & Talk Group Meetings

LaufRat Walk & Talk group meetings enable you to genuinely connect with yourself and consequently with other people, and thus also with your inner joy of life.

  • feel enriched with liveliness again and start every morning full of energy into the day

  • have received new impulses, insights and meaningful orientation for a fulfilling life and implement them with clarity and motivation in your everyday life

  • feel reconnected to yourself and your needs and live by them

  • experience emotionally touching encounters with fellow humans and have fulfilling relationships


Natur genießen


  • You feel exhausted and empty inside because the meaningless tasks at work and the daily time pressure make you function in a lethargic way

  • You blossom during conversations that touch you. But these are the absolute exception at the moment

  • You are in a relationship, but apart from daily agreements you don't really have anything to say to each other anymore

The problem is …

You feel trapped in the treadmill and see no way out. You have numerous commitments and appointments that you have to meet. In the little time you have left, you might have already red several life advice books. But despite various attempts to implement small changes, you do not manage to rebuild joyful energy.

Everything is going 'perfectly',

but the joy is gone


If you realigned with your inner joy and purpose of life, presumably many things would be easier and more exhilarating. Therefore, I have developed an offer that can be easily integrated into everyday life and whereby we directly immerse ourselves into a vitalizing energy. LaufRat Walk & Talk group meetings offer you a relaxed framework for self-awareness processes in the reflective exchange with other people and in contact with nature:



  • Through gentle body exercises and walking together, stuck emotions become released and start to flow again

  • Instead of overthinking things analytically, we come into contact with our feelings and needs again

  • Stress is relieved and replaced by endorphins, promoting joy, new perspectives and confidence


  • Illumination of various life themes, such as longings, relationship- and communication-patterns, responsibility, trust vs. control, and much more, for which we usually do not take the time in everyday life

  • Detection and transformation of unconscious and blocking self-protection mechanisms, a process whereby inner lifeliness is set free.

  • Hardly anything elicits as much vitality as a truthful exchange with other people as well as being truthfully witnessed by them

  • In an open sharing with others, our blind spots are furthermore reflected back to us, which we would otherwise not recognize

  • By talking to others, our thoughts sort themselves more clearly

Through such a reflective process of yourself in a truthful exchange with other people, you get to know yourself better and come into honest contact with your needs, your inner world and your vitality.


  • Meeting point: either in one of Munich's parks or along the Isar; detailed announcement by mail after registration

  • Duration: 1 ½ hours

  • First 5-10 min: small and gentle physical exercise to arrive well in the here and now from everyday life

  • Subsequent 10-20 min: Reflective exercise or more extensive body exercise (alone or together), each meeting regarding one topic

  • Subsequent hour: find a walk & talk partner to share your insights about the topic / experience with the exercise. After half an hour, switch of walk & talk partner

  • Topics: Topics that we will explore together include: desires, expectations, trust and control, relationships, listening and perceiving, behavioral patterns, fears and opportunities, obligations and responsibilities, vitality, inner attitudes, communication, spontaneity, joy, and much more. One topic will be adressed per meeting.

Menschen im Park
Pfad klein.jpg

General conditions:

  • Meeting in mutual respect and benevolent cooperation.

  • The life themes to be addressed per appointment are NOT announced beforehand, because our psyche has the tendency to avoid topics that we think we already understood and don't want to look at further. Trust that you will learn something new about yourself with each topic.

  • Punctuality, weatherproof clothing and good shoes

  • If the weather predicts to become dangerous, e.g. slippery or thundery, I reserve the right to postpone or cancel the meeting at short notice.

  • Registration: please send me an email or fill out the contact form with the indication of your desired participation date (see below NEXT DATES)

  • Limited number of participants: min. 3 to max. 10 persons / meeting

  • It is an open group. A one time participation does not commit you to further participations. Registration needs to be carried out separately for each new date.

  • People of all ages 18+ and all nationalities are welcome!

  • Unpredictable things can always come up at short notice that prevent you to take part. Please let me know as early as possible so that I can take this into account when planning the group and the exercises.

  • Price / meeting: 15,- Euro (payment in cash; first time participation free of charge)


  • Stay tuned - new dates coming up soon!



Please send me an email to or fill out the contact form with the indication of your desired participation date (see  NEXT MEETINGS)


Sie erreichen mich zur Vereinbarung eines zeitnahen Termins unter,
+49 (0) 151 4030 3815
oder über das Kontaktformular.

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© 2021-2023 LaufRat

Danke für Ihre Nachricht!

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